Originally Posted by cartervj
Just look over the past several decades at the news reports

Butter is bad for you. Eat margarine
Margarine bad for you eat real butter

Americans eat too much salt It’s bad for you
Americans eat about the right amount of salt

There are numerous reports like that

It’s no wonder most don’t know what is correct.

I can google a question and get various answers
I get emails on nutrition for diabetes and some contradicts prior emails.

It use to be called headlines and now it's called click bait. You can quickly weed out the unreliable info if you start looking at the source of those claims. Many times the source is a 6 month study of 200 people or close to something like that. All that kind of study proves is that you can prove just about anything if you skew the data in your favor. There are plenty of studies on nutrition that have been running since the 1970's involving large groups of people. Just like everything you want to really know about though,you have to really study it rather than just reading headlines.