Originally Posted by FurFlyin
R H, I’ve thought about doing 3 months of low fat just to throw my body a curve ball. It would also give me an opportunity to eat some things I miss eating.

That's what I do. I eat beans,rice,lentils,whole wheat pasta,all kinds of fruit and things I don't eat when I am going low carb. I am very strict with it though and try to cut fats as close to zero as possible while I'm eating those good carbs.I don't even have olive oil and no meat at all in my beans,or peas or whatever. I also use it as a time to clean my system of meat,so I don't eat any meat at all during that time. After about 5 days you get rid of all the partially digested animal products and you can take a dump every morning faster than taking a pee.LOL

You will gain around 5 pounds right away though just from the hydrating effect of the carbohydrates. Ketosis is probably the fastest way to get fat off your body but it is physically an emergency state the body goes into when it can't get carbs. It seems to me that it would be beneficial to have a re set so to speak and I also think it lets you get some of those healthy foods back into your diet.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 09/26/20 07:52 AM.