When my brother was young he took a very wrong road with drugs, my parents kept bailing him out and enabling him as much as possible with their “help”. He used to convince my dad to pay for rehab whenever drugs got hard to find on the street for whatever reason. When everyone finally had just had enough and told him not to come around them ( many, including myself were to the point of killing him if he came back around and I actually beat him until I thought he was dead once) or bring his problems to their door step, he hit bottom just over 2 years later and started to see what he was doing to himself and others. The wake up day for him was almost 30 years ago and not had any issues since.

God doesn’t even claim to save those who don’t ask for it, you can’t save those who don’t want it. I’ve never seen rehab or a program work for anyone who didn’t put themselves in it.

Praying for your family member but remember, you can’t fix it, they have to.

Last edited by hoggin; 10/13/20 09:54 AM.