I will say this, and most of you on here do not know me from adam, but I have been dealing with the same issue for several years now with a loved one. It is one of the most painful and frustrating things anyone can ever go through, especially when that loved one does not think they need help or have a problem. They can go to as many detox, 12 step, whatever programs as possible BUT until THEY decide they want or need help, there is very little you or anyone else can do and all if not most of these rehab centers are a joke. I do not know your situation, but the person battling alcohol addiction in my scenario is a totally great person when sober, but give one drink and its over. I call it the Jekyll/Hyde syndrome where they go from a normal fun loving person to an absolute monster in a matter of minutes. They get into a rehab center and no one there has a clue and they start wanting to sending them home as "rehabilitated" within days or think they do not really have a problem. They will lie about drinking when it is absolutely obvious that they are and then try to turn it all on you and make everything your fault. It will destroy any relationship you have or try to have with them.

I battle with this same thing every single day. I have paid for and sent them to 5 different rehabs, they have gotten multiple dui's and has to have the locking system on car, court ordered substance abuse programs, not to mention thousands of dollars in fines and extra insurance and not a single thing has helped. The financial burden is incredible. All I can offer is prayer and someone to talk to that knows exactly what you are dealing with. Shoot me a pm if you want and I will give you my contact number if you ever just need someone to vent to. Also, I would be open to any suggestions anyone else has on here because at this point I have no idea of what to do next either.