Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by fr8-shkr
Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by fr8-shkr
Had a doe and a little one meander in and out of the field. That’s it so far.

Does ought to really star firing off hot over the next week.......Had two new young bucks show up here yesterday

That’s what I hope. I’m here till Friday. It needs to start picking up. I was expecting things to be further along by now.

I've found that it almost happens over night when things really go hot.......Within a few day time it'll go from not much happening to things rocking and rolling.....Right here in my location that's typically somewhere in the late teens of Jan......;The 20th-28th have been historically the most productive days for seeing a lot of chasing and tending

This is my third season on this place. Last year was the week of MLK. The year before was the weekend of. My buddy about 3 miles up the road said his typically gets wide open starting the Saturday before MLK almost to the end of the week. I’m here till Friday. We will see how it goes.

I agree, it seems to come in hard and fast and then just ends. The following 2 weeks after my place has been a ghost town. It has not been productive for me.