I have been hunting since I was old enough to shoulder a rifle. I turned 28 in November, and I have never laid eyes on a deer as big as any in this thread. I do have two on the wall that were sure enough hammers to a guy like me but they can't hold a candle to any in this thread. The biggest of the two(per the taxidermist who mounted him) told me that he would likely fall somewhere in the low to mid 130s range. That one was killed in Franklin County. The other one is a decent buck that I believe most would be proud to shoot. In my unprofessional opinion, he was in the ball park of 110-115 but he weighed 187 lbs with the guts in him and I believe he was 5 years old... he was missing a couple of teeth. I killed him way off down in a swamp in Dallas County. Lord what a drag. This was in the years before I could afford a second hand four wheeler.