I hunted more this year than I have in my life. I work with teachers and this year all classes went virtual for them in November until the first of January. I hunted every day of the week except on Sundays. I had to work with the teachers beginning at 11:00 in the mornings so I had plenty of time to hunt each day. I let more racked bucks walk this year than most folks see their entire life. I cannot imagine retirement as this is what my schedule was like this year and I had nothing going on except hunting and feeding cows. I never hunted a day with anyone, and hunted my properties this year exclusively. It didnt get boring this year as I made it fun each day because I was able to stay on deer and entertain myself with their presence. I only kill two deer a year by choice and have for years. Two is all I can use in the course of a year and I have no desire to kill them, drag them out, and give them away. I killed my second deer of the year on Christmas Eve and kept going hoping I could see my target buck in person, but I never did. He was the only deer I would have shot at this point. I am ready for the summer to pass and do it all over again.

I can't stand a thief.