Originally Posted by weatherby
So the question becomes will it? Is there data to support that shortening the season and lowering the limit will ensure your kids get to hunt?

I don't think you can answer that, until you have some data. Which means something has to change in order to find out, otherwise it is hypothesis and theory all on paper.

I have the same data to make those arguments as the department does for shorter seasons and lower limits

I don't know if you mis-typed or what, but this makes it sound as though you are for trying shorter season and lower limits.

Nothing has to change to find out. There’s plenty of other states that are making changes, and can be studied. You can also do a quick poults per hen and population survey on unhunted lands vs. similar hunted lands. Wouldn’t take very many resources to do either.

South Carolina started following his teachings 4 or 5 seasons ago. Study them....... but they won’t, because population has t improved.