I have killed turkeys in Baldwin, Butler, Montgomery and henry county this year. I have hunted chambers, Crenshaw, and Lowndes counties as well. I have heard 47 different turkeys gobble on both private and publc land. The only place I know of that i have hunted that has a population problem is Baldwin co. I heard two turkey gobble on the WMA all season and I know both are dead. The properties I hunt are not trapped, are leased timber company land with an abundance of thick pines, minimal hardwoods and an abundance of clear cuts.... Even with this the turkeys seem to be thriving..... I've been saying this the enrtire time.... population decline/ increas is site specific
I left out Clarke county to add to places I hunted that did I did not have any issue finding turkeys and heard quite a few
Last edited by Turkeymaster; 04/26/21 10:51 AM.