Originally Posted by MorningAir
I didn’t say I was joining a dog club. I haven’t had to deal with deer dogs in years. Nobody runs them around us. All our land is bordered by interstate, so it would be bad for the dogs. I was just pointing out that when I dealt with it the dog hunters never seemed to grasp why people got upset about dogs running through the property. They would always answer that their dogs might run a big buck by you. They didn’t seem to understand some people just wanted some peace and quiet and didn’t want to hear all the noise and barking and didn’t want to watch a deer being run by a pack of walker hounds. Some people just want to watch a deer feed.

Some folks know you can do both successfully on the same price of property. All my dog hunting is done in Fl. At least here, the dog hunt WMAs get so much less still hunting pressure than the still hunt areas, that (IMO) you have a better chance of killing deer still hunting a dog area than still hunting a still hunt area. I'm speaking of hard hunted still hunt areas, vs hard hunted dog hunt areas. I understand someone that doesn't dog hunt not wanting to hear dogs, but just because a race comes through, it doesn't mean all the deer lay up tight and shut down. Deer that are used to hearing dogs really just go on about their day if they're not the one being run.

Again, I understand that some folks don't want to hear dogs while hunting. I like the way Fl has still hunt areas and dog hunt areas. Though I wish we had more dog areas, the small WMAs do need to be still hunt. With separate areas for both the still hunters hunting the dog hunt areas shouldn't be fussing about dogs, though sometimes they still do.

May the sound of hounds never die!