Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Squadron77
So you can run dogs on WMAs and National Forest starting in 2024. That sounds like fun.

Most truly dangerous things are great fun until something goes wrong. If the still hunting crowds are as bad and a lot of posters on here say they are, it ought to get real exciting when you throw 25 or 30 dog hunting groups into the mix. Need to get with a clothing manufacturer and come up with a patented design for Kevlar or BP coveralls.

Man don’t you know its gonna be a problem, always has been. On one of the military bases I hunt “feral dog” is listed as an approved game animal for harvest, folks that bring their dogs have mucho rules and have to wear orange vest, collars , and such too.

I will continue to kill unleashed dogs. I’ve killed so many dogs across the states I live and hunt that I keep a plastic kids pool in the bed of my truck so they don’t leave blood everywhere. I used to call the sheriff after I’d kill them but they finally told me just to chunk them. Its seems like there is a pattern of particular breeds these drug and criminals set loose to run around too. Out here in Texas I killed three at once that ran me up a tree, I cut their heads off and put them on fence post like catfish heads and the sheriff asked me not to do that anymore. In most of the encounters where the owners would post a lost poster it would say how nice the dog was.

Stray dogs have nothing to do with hunting deer with dogs!!!