Originally Posted by FreeStateHunter
Speaking of vaxxed and unvaxxed my wife was telling me about her aunt last night. Her Aunt got vaxxed in March. Her kids got COVID last week and were unvaccinated. She was going to take care of them since she got the shot. Well not only did she get COVID but they had to put her in the hospital last night and if her oxygen continues to drop she goes on the ventilator. Just like she never had a vaccination we’re all sitting here waiting for day 10 of her being sick to see if she pulls through or takes a turn for the worst because that’s supposedly when you can tell.

I’ve been vaccinated because I had to be but honestly when I got it I thought it would at least be effective. I’m now sitting here with something in my body for what seems like no reason at all. If I go into a building I still am asked to wear a mask (I never have except work), I can still get sick obviously and now it’s clear you can still get so sick you’re hospitalized and even die.

Take it from someone who is vaccinated, don’t take it. I don’t care what horror story a person will come on here and tell about what they saw at work. They’re directing their frustrations at the wrong people. The vaccine doesn’t work and the Chinese created something that’s killing us. Be mad at the Chinese, not the unvaccinated.

Sorry Auntie is in the 5% but they never said being vaccinated is 100% against getting it. Hopefully it will help her and she will pull through. Listen to what your doctor tells you not what people on Aldeer or anywhere else that don't know their ass from a hemorrhoid will tell you. If you think you know more than your doctor or are smarter than they are then you need a new doctor.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.