Doc, is anything this guy is saying true in your opinion?

"For those asking why more doctors aren’t willing to recommend better alternatives to the official protocols that seem to be killing people, the answer lies in an efficient and effective immunity shield for doctors and hospitals.

It’s called the “standard of care,” which is the level and type of care that a reasonably competent professional would have provided in the same community.

In short, if you follow the standard of care, you basically cannot be sued, and if you are sued, it’s likely to be dismissed, and if it’s not dismissed, you’re going to prevail.

So what’s the standard of care?

Right now, if you show up to a doctor and test positive, the standard of care is to evaluate you and see if you need a hospital admission. If not, you’re sent home and told to rest.

You’re not given a list of supplements that have been shown to help. You’re not told that the overwhelmingly vast majority of ICU patients with this are fatally deficient in Vitamins C and D. You’re not told zinc is a highly effective reverse transcriptase inhibitor, but that it needs an ionophore to gain access to the cells.

You’re not told anything but to show back up when you’re nearly dead.

When you show up nearly dead, the hospital gets a bonus for treating you, in addition to exorbitant ICU fees you’re likely going to require.

You’re given courses of drugs that cost thousands of dollars per round, and you’re given oxygen and, perhaps at some point, a vent tube.

That’s the standard of care. Any deviation from that puts the doctor or facility at risk of a lawsuit.

You’re more likely to die that following that standard of care. You’re almost assuredly going to be sicker following that standard of care.

But, hey, they’re all immune from suit when everything goes wrong.

And it’s not just the lawsuits. Medical boards are threatening licenses of doctors and nurses who deviate from this standard of care.

So when you wonder why most of the medical profession—doctors, hospitals, medical schools—all appear to be singing from the same hymnal, that’s why."