Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
if it was already burdening the system, why would the medical industry purge their staff for vax refusal?

how are you able to determine the vax effectiveness?

Assuming it does help and since you can still contract the virus, how long is the vax effective for?

Why do you think there is a concerted effort to require and mandate vaccines across the board?

on a lighter note, what do you recommend as far as boosting an immune system?
Thanks OP for participating and thanks for everyone keeping it chill in this thread.

1) I think it’s a calculated risk for a hospital administration to require a vaccination for their employees right now. I know our hospital system cannot afford to do so right now.
2) The main measure of determining vaccine effectiveness that I’m aware of is measuring antibody titers and then looking at hospitalization rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated.
3) no one really knows how long it’s going to be effective for. The people that I know that received vaccines in January though all still have antibodies presently.
4) If you had 100% of your population vaccinated your hospitalization rates would plummet as would the spread of the virus would slow down dramatically. In theory this would cut down on the opportunities for the virus to mutate further.
5) A healthy diet with fruits and vegetables and lean proteins and low in added sugar.

Wish it was hunting season.....year round