Originally Posted by Shaw
Originally Posted by kodiak06
I always said I wouldn't use them on elk and am now convinced. A guy I know shot a bull a few days ago about 30min before dark.
Trailed what little blood he could find and backed out. Next day went to his parents house to approach from where the bull was headed and when he got to
their house he noticed a nice bull pushing cows around by the apple trees. It was the same bull he shot lol. Arrow poking out and all. Anyway, once light he
poked him and the bull bugled so he poked him again. The mech head to the lung had failed to open.

Your original post. You didn’t mention jack until you were called out on it. It’s just like Todd said, you came here to crap on mech heads and blame them. Instead of acting like an adult and owning up to it, you start backpedaling and calling people names. Just like a teenage drama queen. “LOL”

Lol, when i made the OP i hadnt seen the broadhead. Im hunting ine unit and he was un another. Really never called anyone anything until basically being called a liar. Like I said I posted it could’ve been operator error you failed to read that and continue to act like a dick. If you go back and read everything there’s so many stupid comments that had nothing to do with a broadhead failing. I never said anything definite until I had looked at it, only that it had failed. The drama comes from your childish Memes
Just to be clear, Todd was wrong. I didn’t come out here to crap on mechanical heads i strictly stated that it had failed. I can’t help everyone starts wanking over a comment that’s true