Haven't know but a couple people that like that hunt like me.Who see's who first is what I like.
I guess you mean when you're slipping around and then walk up on somebody else slipping around or vice versa.
I crawled up on one of your buddies turkey hunting in Little coon last year....Turkey was up on a bench and it was a bluff all around it. Only way to get to him was up a little draw and it was gonna be cutting it REAL close about being too close. I ended up crawling up that little draw on my belly and the turkey was so close by then he was gobbling at me everytime I'd drag myself thru the leaves.......Started looking in front of me for a tree to crawl up to and I kinda see a blob and then pick out the business end of an 1100 pointed at me about 30 yards off......I just gave the guy a thumbs up and laid there flat on my belly for about thirty minutes and listened to that turkey drum. Kept thinking he was gonna shoot, but he told me he never got in shotgun range. He said I looked just like a turkey crawling up that little ditch. I'm glad he figured me out. He apologized and I apologized and we sat there and talked for a while. He told me he hunted with you all the time but I can't remember his name to save my life.