Originally Posted by KHOOKS
I got the cats blood work done yesterday afternoon vet said the kidney number where just fine and unless he start puking or stops eating he should be ok. Thanks guys for the funny stuff you posted, you all had some laughs at my cats expense and he is glad you can laugh at him. I know lots of man hate cats and I do not have nothing for feral animals of any kind like most of you. But I would not say or type hurtful words about someones loved pet, just not my thing. People get hurt over other folks loved items be it pets/guns/people/vintage cars and trucks. With that said no harm was done here in this post. It would take a lot bigger and meaner man or men to get me upset than we have here. LOL guys and gal here on ALDEER are get folks and I know on one means anyone bad gugu here. Love you all and god bless the USA for we need it.

Gotta have thick skin around here no doubt! thumbup

Originally Posted by Wiley Coyote
I Well, the way I see it is there's just too many assholes
On a good day there's a bunch of assholes in here.
On a bad day there's too many assholes in here.