The kids got 2 tailless cats. I’ve grown more attached to them than I thought I would.
They about like us. They some murdering bastages. Snakes, birds, chipmunks. Late spring/early summer seems to be their peak hunting season. It’s thrill killing. They kill it, bring it to the porch. One cat gray and white. One colored like a wild kitty. The wild looking one stands and scans the woods for potential prey while the other one eats breakfast. A day without killing is like a day without sunshine to these two. I have a little fun with them in the yard sometimes throwing a rat l trap with the hooks removed. They’ll chase, pounce, jump for it just about as long as you want to throw it.

“Killing tomorrow’s trophies today.”

On the distance I like to walk to my stands:
“The first 100 yards is also the last 100 yards.”