20ish years ago a buddy of mine got a new f250 with the 7.3 in it. Being a proud new diesel owner, he plugged it up so it could “start easier” when it got down below freezing. We met up at ( his parent house) one cold morning to go hunting and when he tried to start it, it sounded like the hood was abt to blow off with something rattling around in the engine bay. We popped the hood and there was the lifeless body of a orange long haired cat. I grabbed it and walked to the street and put it in a cardboard box that was in a trash pile by the road. We got back around lunch and he was telling his dad abt the cat incident. His dad asked where the cat was and I said I put him in a box by the road. I proceeded to then get scolded for “throwing away” someone’s pet. So my vindictive self went out the the trash pile and get the cat out of the box and brought him back in his parents garage to ask for further orders. Long story short, the owner of the cat was in their front yard and saw me remove their missing cat from a cardboard box and take in back inside my buddies parents house …. They still don’t wave to me for some reason

Give me bout 15 more minutes, I was dreamin about beavers..........
Si Robertson