Originally Posted by MarksOutdoors
Originally Posted by SouthBamaSlayer
Originally Posted by bama_earl

I also understand but.. A sin is a sin... let's not pick and chose which sin we want to be critical of...that's sinful in of itself. As christians homosexuals are an easy target but we let the sin of gluttony just get a free pass. No one ever says I don't support X church because the preacher got too fat went threw a divorce..... nah we forgive that real quick.

Divorce isn’t a sin if there’s infidelity….

I was about to post the same. There is also a distinct difference in repenting of a sinful lifestyle AND CHANGING (Romans 12:1-2) and someone who is unrepentant and continues on in a sinful lifestyle.

Yall do a little follow up reading on divorce and infidelity. What does Jesus say about it?(Matthew 19:8) Another question about divorce. When the Bible says two people being married are one flesh and no man can separate them, was it a man who wrote up those divorce papers? Theres alot more to this marriage/ divorce thing than just the one scripture Moses wrote. Might aught to add them all together and see what the sum of it is. Since marriage is a covenant, you might study breaking covenants, or if theres a precedent getting out of a covenant.

Last edited by jwalker77; 11/01/21 10:18 PM.