Southwood, there is no church of the highlands, elevation, hillsong, they are all part of ARC. It’s an association of related churches. They pool their money together under a non profit. The pastors all “oversee” “each other “. John Gray is the pastor that bought the lambo. He had an affair and is now being planted in Atlanta to start an ARC church and his overseers are Chris Hodges and Dino Rizzo. I’m not knocking ARC , I just think it’s not good that there are several of these ARC pastors who have affairs, their overseeers move them to a rehab facility, then re-introduce them in another city. Hodges is building a 4.3 million dollar lodge to rehabilitate pastors. I don’t think the guy that made that video is trying to get clicks, he’s just showing how ARC is set up with this oversee org chart, and they’re all overseeing each other without any accountability to the church membership. The Rizzo guy in Birmingham is named as a co defendant in one of the upcoming cases, and that’s not gossip. He evidently handled it poorly and sat on information regarding the sex abuse of a female staff member. I don’t know him personally, so he may have a valid reason for how he handled it as overseer of the pastor charged.