Originally Posted By: Clem

You want to know why proper grammar, punctuation and spelling matter?

Because if no one can understand the damn post other than the bloomin' idot who wrote it then he won't sell the Eleventyzillion dozen arrows and PSE arrow-slinger he's trying to get rid of.

Oh, and welcome to the site. Hope you sell your bow and arrows.

It's arras, not arrows. DUH! You must be a idot!

Originally Posted By: bill
No need for a "ruff" draft unless you decide to sell your dog ....I know I should stop but you know how us IDOTS are. smile

Originally Posted By: Clem
They cain't sprell in Hartselle so ain't no need for Englush teechers there.

Originally Posted By: bill
Easy there, trigger. He is just trying to helped u selled ur bow. Us morans like picthures. smile

yew gys aint rite. i nead a nu keybord now. haw much dus won costed now days anyhaw? laugh