Originally Posted by Be_Cam
I started trying to do some self filming hunting and just outdoors stuff. And I’ll tell you one thing, it’s a hell of a lot harder than it looks. It’s a ass load more work taking in cameras, trying to get deer on video and a kill shot is sure some work, especially with a bow in Alabama. It’s not near as easy as I thought it was anyway. Now some of these shows on these high fence places may be easy to film. But these Alabama woods makes it tough, or for me it does anyway.

If you’re filming and hunting by yourself, then I’m sure that’s tough. Most shows on tv have a hunter and camera man though. I agree also with being easier in a high fence place. A friend of mine killed a really large buck last week at a high fence place here in Alabama. He was taken there by a vendor he buys parts from. Beautiful buck but it literally was like shooting a pet. They even told him the exact time to be at the place he was going to hunt. Left his house, drove an hour and a half, shot a monster buck, and drove back home an hour and a half, all within about 4-5 hours.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain