When I was in a club while I was in college, I paid a jr. membership that allowed me to be on the property without my dad who was the full member. I could have opted not to pay that fee and I could have only hunted when he was on the property. I hunted more than he did, and only a handful of Saturdays were we both in the woods at the same time. I can’t remember what we did about bucks with that arrangement. I think I got the regular 2 that the full members got. It was never an issue, because we never killed 2 between us in a year.

We had been in the club for 3-4 years with mainly the same members when I “aged out”. They voted that year to let me in as a full member because the way everyone saw it, adding me as a full member didn’t add anymore pressure, just more money. We had 12 members that year instead of the full house of 11.