Originally Posted by wk2hnt
Coyotes are I think a part of the problem. What would be wrong with the state giving 40 per coyote tail turned in or something like Louisiana has done for the nutria. Heck give away a free baiting permit for every coyote proven killed lol

Coyotes are a BIG part of the problem. When fawns start hitting the ground the coyotes then focuses on eating fawns and continues to do so until the fawns get old enough to outrun him.

When you trap a coyote another takes his place within just a few days, it’s kind of like when someone moves out of the projects, someone moves in right behind them.

You need an experienced trapper, with LOTS OF TRAPS, to trap a large area really hard from April thru July and you will see a rise in your deer and turkey population. All of the predators prey on turkey nests.

Last edited by Lonster; 01/30/22 10:25 PM.