As I get older the less I look at $$$ from an emotional perspective. The motivation for an individual or a company to make money is not always inherently evil as we like to portray it. I look at it more like a chess game now with different players and pieces that each have priorities that are important to them fighting for their portion of the pie. Each entity lobbies for what is best for them expecting that the other entities will do the same and that any “balance” will find itself……..You fight for your cause and the other man does the same.

With that being said……I think someone was definitely playing chess and not checkers the day they funded the PR campaign of quality deer and shooting 2 does a day to get there……..I’ve been to free range properties and seen 125+ deer while I was there tracking……Then drive down the road a piece and have folks who may see 15-20+ on a good hunt perceive that they have a lot of deer and need to start thinning a few before season is over…….Then there’s folks who say you should be satisfied if you see 5 or more……. Why?......Most folks don’t know why?....It’s what they were told to think or the company line they were told to tow….. Folks arent really able to form a true perspective of what “great” looks like when the majority have only ever seen mediocre….Probably more important is that folks arent able to realize the true potential of the land and the soils. That isnt a hack on the hunters but on our management…...

We dont rent pigs