Here it is
Year one - one doe has a fawn=2 deer
Year two - both deer have a fawn = 4 deer
Year three - four deer have a fawn= 8 deer
Year four- eight deer have a fawn= 16 deer
Year five - 16 deer have a fawn = 32 deer
So if the doe has half buck and half does killing a doe today eliminates 16 deer off your property in five years. Keep in mind some does will ha e twins. So go and kill three does for your freezer and wonder why in 3-5 years you don't see any deer. Probably because of neighbors or poachers. My favorite are these guys who LOVE deer meat and have to kill three deer a year for their freezer., but that amounts to keeping only Backstrap and hams. Front shoulders and necks don't have any meat on them.