The biologist are all going to say you are only seeing 10% of the deer. I’ve heard that line before. Put 6 cameras on 400 acres and see how many deer you get pictures of.
Well to make this interesting. I walked the road along one of my largest tracts of pine thicket. And what I found were trails coming out of it along the way. If there is everything in there for a deer to eat, except acorns and a green field, and it has water too, why would it need to come out?
She did suggest we do a camera survey sent me detailed instructions on how to do one, so we will probably do that later on once bucks start growing new head gear.
This doesn't mean I think we have some hidden pocket of 100 deer on my lease, but I think there are deer that spend alot of their life in there, and we rarely, if ever see them. And I think our buck numbers are way higher than any biologist wants to admit, since they say its difficult to get to a 1 to 1 ratio even on well manager property. Well if its 4 to 1. And I got 10 spikes running around, and at least 5 or 6 nice rack bucks, I should have about 60 doe's running around, and I don't.
I think if we went back to a doe season, and not having a 3 buck limit, in a couple years, we would be seeing more deer. I think the 3 buck limit is not helping, especially when you are in a club, and have a 6 pt or better rule. 1050 acres, if I had 2 or 3 people hunting it, perhaps you could tag out on bucks, but.... not when you have 10 folks hunting it. NO one even saw a buck chasing a doe this year on my lease. I killed a buck following a doe last season, and saw 1 buck chasing a doe hard the prior season. As much as I hunt, the law of averages would give me a good shot of seeing a buck chasing a doe you would think. NOPE!