Originally Posted by just_an_illusion
Originally Posted by Backwoods cowboy
However many deer anyone has on their place is irrelevant. If you don't shoot any for five years you'll have more in five years no matter what the laws are or what anyone else does

Bullshitt. The vast majority of folks on here and in this state do not have thousands of acres to hunt and manage. Case in point, I have 37 acres here at home I can hunt, I have 76 acres in New Hope that I can hunt, and I am in a 1000 acre club in Jackson county along with two other Aldeer members. Not one of those places are big enough to contain a deers movement and keep them from going onto another property. Therefore it don't make two shits if I don't kill a single deer for the next 20 years, I cannot control what the neighbors kill. Only the state can try to control that by seasons and limits. The outright doe slaughter for the past 20 years has decimated the deer population in most of Alabama. Friggin outlaws are going to kill as many as the state says they can because it's "legal". The stupid ass 2 does a day and only 3 bucks, one of which must have at least 3 points on one side only makes it worse. Folks that have decent bucks ain't gonna kill a bunch of spikes to fill the freezer, therefore does get hammered again.

I have not killed a deer on my home place in 5 years. I haven't killed a doe here in over 10 years. I've only killed 3 does on this place in the 18 years I've been here. Since summer I've had a grand total of 5 does and a few babies on camera. I get pics daily of these same 5 does and littleuns. I also have pics with 9 bucks in the same picture at the same time on the same food plot I get daily doe pics from. By your logic I should have deer running out my ears but I don't because the neighbors kill what the state says they can, too damn many deer. Add in the coyotes, poachers, night hunters and outlaws that kill whatever the hell they want to and whallaha, very few deer left. And I ain't killed a one of them, proving your logic is bullshitt.

If you have several thousand acres and can control what's killed, congratulations. The rest of us don't and therefore have to rely on our piss poor DCNR to try and manage it at the state level.

Agree...theys a lot more to it than just holding off the trigger...I've said earlier I ain't killed a doe in 8 years and can count on one hand the previous 20 n this is over 1000 acres and just me hunting...I do have some bucks worth killing every year just not enough

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin