Originally Posted by hawndog
Originally Posted by CNC
Bowhunting........ wink


Iffin you want to do something in the interest of “the deer” that other entities cant so easily complicate ……then transitioning to a bow hunting oriented system with short rifle seasons would help solve a lot of problems on the deer’s end of the interest equation. It’s the simplest way to manage our deer herd across the board to insure quality hunting without all the clutter or depending on hunters to make good decisions about pulling the trigger…..Here’s a bow, go hunt, sling 575 duzen arras at them and shoot what you want to.

There will have to eventually be changes made to what we are doing now or the deer herd is gonna keep gradually declining. You cant have your cake and eat it too on these things like free for all baiting combined with 3 months of wild west rifle season with virtually unlimited doe days combined with more and more habitat fragmentation, etc…..That’s just a recipe for depleting the resource base…..It seems almost like that’s the very point of what we’re doing……Look at the response we’re likely gonna have to CWD…..What will they say we need to do??........Keep lowering the deer numbers even more??……If the trends continue we’lle eventually get to the point where deer hunting is something that’s mostly done around the big plantations , in management areas, or in high fences. The deer don’t form political action committees and such to fight on their behalf. They rely on humans to that for them and that doesn’t always work in their best interest when $$$ is involved. Changing to a bow hunting type system gives “the deer” themselves a little bit better way of holding their own against the $$$ I guess you could say. It will likely never happen though.

We dont rent pigs