Yes but wouldn't it stand to reason that some of mine disperse and then I get some that were dispersed off other properties?

I am sorry, but this is still a math issue for me. If the state limits you to 3 bucks, but you can kill as many doe's as you can get in front of you and pull the trigger on, at what point does our deer herd consist mainly of bucks? Every club I have been in is this way. The second gun season opens, its wide open on doe killing. If they limit it, which one of mine did, to no doe's could be killed off a greenfield after 12/31, you know what I heard most of the guys say?

The minute it steps off the greenfield, its dead meat. You could do that at my club, the minute one steps off the field, BOOM!! Technically you are following the rule.

And if you have been shooting every doe off a green field for a month and a half, what good does it do to stop on 12/31? Wouldn't it make more sense to say no doe's can be killed off a green field until January 15? At least by then you stand a good chance of the doe's feeling comfy on the greenfield and likely a buck will come out there.