Originally Posted by Backwoods cowboy
How many of you really think if the state changes the season to x amout of does a season, that the people who are killing 10 deer a season are really going to stop killing 10 deer a season. Even the ones who weren't doing it before,now that they got a taste of it will quit. And how if they just change it to killing it to bucks will make any short term effect on deer population. It is my understanding that mother nature adjust the buck to doe ratio on fawns to what's needed in a given area. A given area is NOT property lines. This is why if you have a club that shoots alot of bucks, you have a bunch of spikes on your place but your deer population never get any bigger. It is ridiculous to think you can just change which deer your killing and have more deer. It's also ridiculous to think the government is going to do anything to fix this. We must police ourselves if there is going to be any change!

That is a very real problem, ensuring game laws are followed. I noticed last year when I showed up to drop off a deer, they wanted to see the game check number. So if you process, you need a number. If you do your own, the only deterent is the risk of the game warden stopping you.

We are strict about following game laws in our club. Maybe we need to think about requiring that from members next season. I don't know.