I dont think Lockjaw is really as far off base as what y’all are making him out to be. Just look back at the chart Swampy posted of the kill numbers in the late 80’s and early 90’s……….We killed around 50-75K does each year but 200-250K bucks ……..We used to have a lot higher population base than we do now. We probably have half the deer we had back then. More does on the land produces more bucks that can be killed. What Lockjaw is suggesting to do is the very formula for what we were doing in the late 80’s early nineties when populations were still growing and expanding. The big difference was that back then 50-75K does didnt represent as big of a portion of the total populatoin as it does now with half the amount deer on the land. We would probably have to knock this back to killing a fraction of that number in does now for a several years to see any significant growth occur.
Last edited by CNC; 02/07/22 10:12 AM.