I think I was 13 before I was trusted to drive the 51 Chevy pickup by myself. Our farm was 5 miles from the house and I made that trip by myself many times. I almost turned it over when I was 14 and had nearly a bale of cotton in the back.

One of my scariest driving incidents occurred when I was 15. I had a learner permit by then, but wasn't supposed to drive alone. I had carried a load of watermelons to a curb market in downtown Selma one morning before school. I was hurrying to get back home, and was driving in the left lane. There was a slow vehicle in front so I passed him on the right. Truck didn't have all the mirrors it was supposed to have and I didn't see the motorcycle. The guy yelled out and I snatched it back and didn't force him into the parked cars, but it was close. We both kept going, but my nerves were shot all day.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.