A few things that I couldn't help but notice are the following:

1. This guy hunts OTHER people's property (probably invited at no cost to him, but irrelevant either way)
2. This guy hunts pay hunt operations that depend on holding/ maintaining quality deer to earn a living.
3. This guy expects quick results, if his stories are any indication (refer back to his comments about not seeing enough bucks where there was a 135 min.)
4. This guy has an agenda
5. HIs story about the kid seemed a fabricated to me, after expressing his obvious dislike for age and size requirements.
6. It's interesting that he mentions that he has graduated to a hunter that only kills mature bucks now, one reason being b/c the area he hunts has gotten so good. Gee, wander how it got that good???

Whether you are a fan of trophy management (which he is describing, not QDM) or not, surely you would have enough sense to not bash a landowner's rules after hunting his property just b/c the dice didn't role your way. Would this guy be complaining if both hunts had resulted in him taking a 160"? If he knows anything about hunting, why would he state that if the minimum is 135 that you should see numerous bucks right under 135...that's preposterous. There are places that have numerous 160's but if it's the wrong week or the wrong weather you might not see anything but a few 2 year olds...

I'm surprised this guy's garbage gets published. Unbelievable! And for the record I would never knock a kid's buck or an adults 1st buck, or even 2nd, 3rd or 10th for that matter. But at the same time we have rules on my family's place and if you don't like them don't come and hunt. And by all means don't come hunt and then complain about my rules later...