Originally Posted By: 49er
Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: 49er
Looks like the original question remains since there are no other logical explanations for these unfavorable conditions that have been discussed:

Is Quality Deer Management Ruining Hunting?

I believe it is.

I do not believe it is but Trophy deer management could and might if pursued by too many people calling it Quality Deer Management.

Do you believe the principles of quality deer management include mandatory restraint in killing young bucks thru state regulation? Is that what is stated in the priciples of qdm? It does not

Where did the idea of the current 98 percent reduction in Alabama's seasonal bag limit/antler restriction for bucks originate if not with qdm or a mistaken interpretation of qdm? It definitely could be

Do you think qdm (or what has been mistaken for qdm) had anything to do with banning dog hunting in most of Alabama?
No, I do not. I believe dog hunting or the banning of it is a property rights issue.

Life is too short to be small !!
