Originally Posted by HippieKiller
Say what you want... but I ain't ever seen as fine of a stand of clover or alfalfa in Alabama as those fields he shows. Saw him at a seminar once and the way he described "saving landowners money" went something like this.

Let's say your annual planting costs looked like this:
Fall planting: $2,000
Spring planting: $1,000
Total: $3,000 annually
5yr cost: $15,000

Obviously, you don't have to plant a lot to hit those totals.

He gets very site specific in planting, and uses a lot of "brown bag" seed to create his own mixes that come back annually. Maybe he can get better planting production like this:
Fall planting: $1,200 yr1 $800 yr2-5
Spring planting: $800 yr1 $300 yr2-5
Total: $2,000 yr1 $1,100 yr2-5
5yr cost: $6,400 … $8,600 less than original

I mention that seminar I saw him at. After what I saw, I kinda get why he may come off touchy. He was the paid speaker at a open floor event where you could ask him questions. Another "biologist" (using the term loosely) showed up, stood in the back of the room, and argued against everything Mark said. "That crap don't work." "My way works better." Etc. Mark, with proven results, was the paid speaker... yet some no-name clown wants to argue at every turn about how their way is better.

He asked then, and I agree: post pictures of your results next to mine. Let the results speak for themselves.

Was this the one at Moes BBQ in downtown Mobile about 6 years ago? If so, I happened to be sitting next to that "clown" (not by choice just randomly). He talked to me the whole time about how his system was superior. That guy was the reason Mark stopped doing seminars.