
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying or not.

I'm opposed to any efforts to force qdm on hunters who don't want any part of it on privately owned or leased lands anywhere in our state. And I don't want dog hunting banned because some neighbor thinks it interferes with his qdm program. My opposition is directed at both the DCNR and any individuals who support such actions.

If you choose to accept the unproven theories of qdm and practice qdm on your own land while minding your own business, I've got no problem with that. Just leave those who don't care for it to mind their own business as they choose as well.

That's not what I call bashing qdm as a whole... and I've been pretty specific about it. You just weren't paying attention.

BTW: For what it's worth, I gave up on winning popularity contests long ago. The truth don't sit well with a lot of folks. That's their problem, not mine.