>>>I'm taking the postion that all of us have the right to hunt.<<<

But where does it say we have the right to hunt deer WITH DOGS? I've never seen that spelled out or even implied in anything.

>>>That right can only be restricted lawfully by laws and rules that are constitutional.<<<

Every law and ever dcnr reg is constitutional until a court rules it unconstitutional. You and I don't have the power to determine that. The attorneys that represent the dcnr must believe they have the authority to do what they do, or else they would ask the legislature to change the law. They have, a number of times, and you have even cited some of them. I don't think the dcnr would have any problem getting the legislature to spell out their ability to set seasons and limits; they haven't asked. I would think its because they think they already have that ability. If you are so sure they don't, take them to court. But even if you win, its gonna be a hollow victory. Next session of the legislature, it will be spelled out in law.

We are stuck with buck limits, no matter what.

I never thought it should be legal for somebody to send their dogs across my land, and do it day after day.

It wasn't legal. If you didn't press charges against the dog's owners or sue for trespass that was your own choice.<<<<

I never mentioned trespassing, though plenty of it went on. There was nothing technically illegal about turning out dogs right on the property line and putting standers on the other side of our property. Plenty of illegal stuff was done, like the burning down of our house, for one, but complaining to the law was a waste of time and just made it worse. So I guess according to your definitions, we are left with 2 possible groups of outlaws to deal with - rogue dog hunters or the CAB.

I prefer the CAB. wink

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 07/06/12 02:01 PM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.