Some of the postal service drivers aren’t to swift with driving either. I live on a ridge and my driveway has a really tight circle at the house end. I was in a skid steer last summer and saw the old mail box truck coming down the driveway. I hopped of the skid steer and and told the driver, you need to back out, don’t try to make the turn around that giant rock with all the other crap in the driveway right now. Driver says I can’t back this up, I have to make the turn. I shook my head, hopped back in the skid steer and waited. Yup, drove that big ol thing right onto the rock. I was moving the skid steer towards the front end of the truck before it came to rest. I asked the driver, you want me to get this unstuck? Driver pleaded with me to get it unstuck so it wouldn’t be reported, afraid of losing job cus it wasn’t the drivers first rodeo on getting the mail truck stuck. Wouldn't you know it, I had to use the skid steer twice because that driver didn’t understand what a turning radius was.