
I heard a hole lot more turkeys and killed lot more turkeys (tagged out) when I hunted WMAs the one close to me closed and I moved further away from the other one - embrace it - get there early - I use to walk in deep and get off main roads. Wish I was close to a WMA

I sat down to 3 gobbling turkey this year - only one of those gobble over 5 times - that is pitiful - 2 of those got called in. Most morning i was back home early - nothing to hunt r talking
So if I hunted 25 times - 12% of time I had a chance to hunt a turkey - that just for an opportunity- I am not going to sit and wait for hours in dead silence - it ain’t deer season. I would take the wmas I hav hunted over that any day

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever