I dont hang with trolls and I dig chicks...but youre free to hang with the guy. He cant even do an internet search so he might not be able to find the hotel with goggle maps..but you can go pick him up.

Watch some Matthew McConaughey and get all worked up. You may have to watch him though. Sounds like he is a major fan boy . He may end up getting so worked up he hurts ya.
Good times... rofl

Note to you..to get thing going quickly..wear those same Rose colored glasses McConaughey did during his speech. I think he got them from Johnny Depp. I saw him wearing them during his trial. These Hollywierd types are literally "looking at life through rose colored glasses!" How rich.

I bet you show up in them and youll score for sure with abbhudson! Good luck. But please..DO NOT post pics. Thanks! laugh

Last edited by Here4fun; 06/09/22 05:21 PM.