130,000 HS senior baseball players
7,000 will play in college
6,000 will play as seniors in college
600 will be drafted (600)
120 will make it to the MLB

I am not 100% sure where travel ball falls in this whole thing, but your kid is NOT playing in the MLB. If that is why you are playing travel ball you are wasting your time and $. If your kid is a pitcher travel ball is going to reduce his chances of playing.

If your kid will be under 6ft tall, his chances of playing NCAA/MLB dropped by ~70%/95%.

If you are not playing travel ball for fun, then you have the wrong perspective. If your kid isn't begging you to play, then stop or get on a 1 weekend a month team.

For what it is worth: I still agree with me!
A big man will stand up for himself; a great man will stand up for others.
Processor Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1OTDcvGoo3puyO-CV10he3pH97IE