Its only about the parents if you dont have the right group of parents. my son is 9 has been in travel ball for 3 years. started in rec ball and he was having to play down because to the other kids level because he was way more advanced then the rest of the kids on his team and in the league... when the rec ball director comes to the coach and tells him to tell my kid he needs to "tone the hitting down" for safety of the other players then something had to give.. he played/plays short stop and when he would throw the ball to first base in rec ball he casue quite a few bloody mouths for the simple reason the first baseman couldnt catch. our coach at the time simply told him to run to second base and call time to kill the play. since that time we have joined a local travel team and he has had the opportunity to truly show his talent and love for the game .. the team practices 2 days a week and we play most weekends one day tournaments on saturdays. when the team is not practicing he is either at home hitting off a tee or we are at the fields taking ground balls at short stop and mom catching at first, or in the cages hitting bucket after bucket of balls.. and before anyone has a comment about burn out this is all his decision and as long as he wants to do it i will be there doing it with him. never once do i ask him if he wants to do extra outside of the 2 days of practice .. the friendships that he has had the opportunity to form with the other players and coaches is amazing. these pics say it all to me. he ABSOLUTLEY LOVES the game

thats my take on it . like it or hate it

not nearly all the rings he has.. 6 in this pic and we are now up to 11 or 12 plus a belt buckle or 22
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he even supports his team when he was out for the 2021 fall season with a sprained ACL

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Turkey’s tell you when they want to die not lawmakers.