Originally Posted by QDMAV8R
How did a guy from Huntsville, a lifelong Republican that has lived a career with integrity, graduated from Duke and the University of Alabama become the boogie man? - GmeHunter

It must be nice to live life looking through those lenses, or should I say blinders. Mo has a real integrity problem!!! A career politician who has had a minimal effect. He’s smart, tactful and calculating, but he’s no friend of the people. I’m no Katie Britt fan, but at least she hasn’t proven to be a lying, flip-flopping career politician yet. What’s Mo going to do that he could have already done for Alabama in the house? It is troubling to see where Britt’s support is coming from, but I just can’t throw my support to someone who doesn’t know if they are a Mormon, or a Baptist. He does know that he’s a lawyer, which is enough to make him unsupportable to me in most political situations.

What is Mo’s integrity problem?

A career politician is accurate. He won as a Republican when there were only four Republicans serving in Montgomery. He was also a prosecutor. Most of MO’s money has come from being a litigator though.

He’s no friend of the people? He has won re-election and his district has done extremely well. I would say better than every other district in Alabama.

Katie Britt has not proven to be a lying, flip-flopping career politician yet? She says she is against raising taxes. She was the one who helped get the taxes raised using her position to do so. And then she accused Mo Brooks of raising taxes.

What’s Mo going to do that he could have already done for Alabama? Vote for CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court Justices. The Senate is the most powerful body in America.

Your beef with him is because you don’t know if he is a Mormon or Baptist? So you let America go down in flames and not vote for a guy that has voted more conservative than anyone in Congress.

Last edited by GmeHunter; 06/11/22 11:00 AM.