Originally Posted by jb20
Originally Posted by JustHunt
Originally Posted by cartervj
So conversations I hear about scouts already looking at travel team kids is not true?

A friend had one of his sons make it to the minor leagues as a pitcher. He did pitch a few MLB games but ran out of time, age wise I guess. I know there several academy’s around here from teaching fundamentals on up and they’re covered up with business.

I think the backlash is that it has become very BIG business, like all things popular. It ends up ending itself.

11 years ago I was impressed being at a tournament and for the first time seeing the caliber of players that were well beyond what we were when I played.

Scouts are looking at travel teams. They aren’t watching some U trip AA tourney in McCalla tho. They are watching 14u and up showcase ball. And I’m not talking a team of local kids going to a PG tourney. There are travel teams and then there are elite showcase teams. Look up Dulin Dodgers. Or Chet Lemons juice. And Viper baseball academy usually has strong teams. These are teams with real deal high school talent.

But you said 11 years ago you were impressed at a travel tourney. I believe that. But now travel at younger ages is so watered down. Travel ball for most kids at 8u - 13u is just glorified rec ball. Not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. But it is what it is

Yes I agree...I see kids that are mediocre on travel teams...that's all fine and dandy but it don't mean jack as far as abilities go, like jbucks experience ive got friends who never played anything other than high-school ball that got scholarships ....my wife's uncle has a place in Florida and he's got teams n such and travels, it's his life tho, he's had several make it to big leagues...my kids don't suck, I was joking bout that but it ain't for us...fall ball will be the extent of it

I get what you’re saying but I don’t know of any kids same age as my son (age 24) or younger that got a scholarship playing only high school ball. It just doesn’t happen like that anymore. College scouts spend their time at big tourneys and if the right teams are there you will see pro scouts as well. I wish it was different but it’s not anymore. Just guessing here but I’d say 90% of the kids playing travel will not play college ball.

My son now has a boy and if he has the love and talent my son had then I’m sure he will play travel as well. But he won’t just play any ole travel. I’m a bit picky and so is my son. And he will play only if we see he has the ability to play next level. Not wasting time and money just to go collect rings that he will forget about