Originally Posted by Pwyse
I’m going to take a second and share something, a little different view point on travel baseball and just youth sports in general. I said in an earlier post that my son is now 21 and played baseball at all levels from park 4 year olds to JUCO. We traveled all over the southeast watching him play. North Carolina, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana. All over. He played on a very talented high school team. 12 seniors and all but 2 went on to play college ball somewhere. He would rather play or practice baseball than eat when he was hungry. I totally believe God gave him that passion. He wasn’t the most talented player. He was always middle of the pack on the travel teams he played on. But he worked HARD. and he was smart behind the plate so he got to play a little bit. But the biggest thing was his passion for the game. He LOVES it. In 2021, the Lord called him into the ministry. He switched colleges and is working on a theology degree.

This summer he is spending 3 months in Honduras as a missionary. He is working at a “dream center” there. To best describe it, it is a Christian YMCA on steroids. They provide education and meals and all sorts of stuff the community there lacks. When he left for Honduras he took a plastic bat and some wiffle balls. I asked him what for and he was like, well dad it’s what I know best so maybe it will give me some opportunities with some of the kids there. Now he is using the passion God gave him for baseball to build relationships and share the love of Christ with poor little Honduran kids. And loving every minute of it!

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Great story .

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.