I don t care who endorsed who. I’m voting for who I think is best. I think trump want back someone who he thinks will win just he can brag his candidates won because of him. I liked trump policy’s but not him as a person. If he would keep his mouth shut an not brag so much he would be president now. I can t stand someone who brags on himself all the time . He really needs jjst shut up but his ego won t let him. He didn t do everything by himself . Takes a team. From what i ve seen so far I would rather have the gov of Florida president next time around. He could get two terms if he does good job. But the evil democrats found a way last time to have a no show candidate get 81 million votes. Unbelievable to me. Until that that old hag , shumer an some the same ol republicans like mitch moconnell get out be same political crap we got now. Time for new young blood.
