Originally Posted by turkey247
I have to cut locks or chains couple times a week. Bolt cutters are a thing of the past for us. I carry the ultimate master key.

Just a heads up - you guys leasing timber tracts that like to bypass the company lock during hunting season - it’s not keeping us out - it’s really just an annoyance and doesn’t go unnoticed.

Let me turn that around on you - what about when timber companies lock out the landowner on his own gate when he is just being a nice guy to let you use his road? smile

I finally told one company to either give me one of their keys, or get the lock off my gate. Like others have said, I don't think it's intentional; a lot of people are just dumb or unconcerned. Most of the time it has been subcontractors who couldn't or wouldn't try to grasp the concept of multiple locks.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.