Originally Posted by UncleHuck

I grew up near Gadsden. Never heard anything negative about him until he ran against a dumbocrat, and then they started their lies.

If I had been the judge awarding the judgement, it would have been 800 million. I hate a liar, and it was well worth the 8 million for dougie to go in. Will continue to hurt good folks for years.

Liars lie, and fiddlers fiddle. If you listen to the news folk, only way Trump could be worse is if he ate baby livers for breakfast every morning. We all know that ain't an accurate assessment.

I will continue to vote AGAINST any baby killing, gun banning dumbocrat as long as I am breathing. I refuse to waste my vote writing in a loser. Might as well stay home or vote for the dem in that case. Same net impact.

Yep, I wish more people understood the simple truth in that. We get stuck with some crappy candidates pretty often and refusing to vote or writing in Clint Eastwood isn't going to change that. However, refusing to help a full on liberal like Dougy get elected is still better than completely wasting your vote. Katie isn't conservative but I'll assure you that she's more conservative than her blue counterpart. Putting more blue in office is how you get things like Roe vs. Wade reinstated, bigger budgets, and mail in voting.